

Echodog Games

Game Title:Signs of the Sojourner 
プラットフォーム: PC・Steam

内容:Signs of the Sojourner is a narrative card game where your deck represents who you are as a person. You travel the world meeting a diverse cast of characters, collecting goods for your shop and getting involved in the issues of different communities. Conversations play out through a sequence matching card game, as your and your conversation partner do your best to find common ground, rather than battling each other. Your deck grows and changes through your experiences, reflecting how travel and meeting people change us.Essentially, the game uses cards and deck building as a metaphor for conversation, personal growth, and growing up, rather than basing the mechanics around combat or defeating an opponent. The goal is not to build a powerful deck that can win encounters, but rather shape your deck and thus your character around your experiences and the relationships you wish to develop.